Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New WALL-E Trailers Online!

Head over to RottenTomatoes and IGN for the new WALL-E trailers. There are two versions, the domestic and international. You can also read Harry Knowles' take on the 15 minutes of footage he screened at the Butt-Numb-A-Thon 9 last week. Enjoy!


  1. Sweet! You guys have hit a homerun.

    A question: Wall*E and the 'X' in the logo sequence look like the perspective is messed up. What's up with that?

  2. hey Victor,
    its pretty cool i loved his eyes expressions. cant wait to see the movie. i got wait until summer :(, but i can tell it will be great...
    did you animate any scene on the trailer?

  3. Hey Victor, sweet looking trailer. I'm really looking forward to this one.. I have a question for you.. do you find that working on a robotic character such as Wall-E is easier than humans, harder than or just about as challenging? Just curious!


  4. Just an FYI- If any of you go to watch National Treasure 2 in theaters (comes out this Friday).... The New WALL-E trailer should be on the trailer package along with the Disney short film Goofy: How to install your home theater! :O)

  5. Great Trailer... are you guys are planing to go to some sort of more photorealistic. It is a different style than the usual pixar comicish one... But I love it...

  6. -:-, The perspective is not messed up. There is a cheat going on with the X and the R because in reality they would intersect the floor. The lower right limbs of each letter need to be comped on top of the background to show the full font. Normally you don't notice until something moves in front of it. This has always been true of the Pixar logo (go back and watch the DVD's if you don't believe me).

    Flavio, I did the shot of him "scaring" the red dot on the ground.

    Clockwerkz, animating robots is easier, because there are fewer controls and not as many expectations from the audience. The challenge becomes how to convey certain emotions without facial expression and complex limbs.

    Bonus question: can you find the "Slave 1" in the satellite field?

  7. I am so pumped for this movie. I love the way he kicks his tracks like legs when the exstinguisher blows him over.

  8. Man, I could sit and watch an easily amused robot play in a garbage dump for hours...

  9. hey victor, i donno if it's just me, but i could never actually "see" wall-e's head hitting the ship. i wasn't sure what happened there, until the quicktime version came out and could frame through it.

  10. I love the feel of the trailer, This film seems like a risk which is something I love. My question is about wall e's design, Hes head wells and even the way he sounds reminds me of Johnny5 from the Short Circuit films. Was that a conscious decision?

  11. I hope AnimationMentor holds their BBQ around the same time again in '08--- we can get all the AM folks together to see it like with Ratatouille!

    WallE looks great!! I can't wait!

  12. Looking for Slave 1 is driving me nuts!! I have been scouring still frames of the satellite belt. I even have images of Slave 1 open next to it so that i can burn the silhouette into my retinas and I still cant find it. This is the only thing i have come up with.
    Is this it or is it just my wishful thinking?
    By the bye, I love your shot. Reminds me of a how our cat chases a laser pointer. Good stuff!

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  15. Victor, I can't believe I've been constantly forgetting to leave any comments on your blog until now! The trailers were a sight for sore eyes. Loved that great stuff! And the animation thumbnails. Sweet. I look forward to learning much from those.

    Dines, as far as I know, it seems Pixar has always been rendering photorealistically. They're just getting better and better at all their skills all the time

    The Slave I sighting has proved to be quite a challenge, as opposed to finding the man in the beans, which didn’t take long at all! Good jorb, Scott. You seem to have found it!

  16. Shiva, I'm not sure what to tell you. I can see it!

    Libra Bear, there are definitely similarities, and I don't what discussions were had about it in the design phase. I'm sure they'll include some interviews with Andrew Stanton on the DVD where he explains his inspiration for the design (basically a box with binoculars on top). I guess they're also hoping that most people wont remember "Short Circuit" (and after seeing WALL-E, I'm pretty sure you wont remember it either!).

    Peter Walser, I wouldn't say that Pixar has always been rendering "photorealistically". It has never been our goal to match reality, but to create a stylized version of it that feels believable. WALL-E is definitely the most "realistically" rendered of our films, and there is a story reason for this.

  17. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question, He feels different for Johnny 5, and I do love he's design, I just thought it might of been a link or a kind of homage. I also like the fact it looks a bit photo realistic and still has the same charm in the animation. Generally photo realism in animation these days = motion capture don't have a problem with mo cap, but it's just that type of thinking that limits animation in the west I think. Monster house did it the otherway round: stylized realism with mocap, this looks like it's the other way round which excites me. Wall E looks like another boundary breaker so I wish you all the best with that,and I look forward to seeing it.

  18. Anonymous9:52 PM

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