Friday, December 07, 2007

James Baxter's work on "Enchanted"

Beautiful stuff. What else can I say? Kind of embarrassing to have my own drawings so near these gorgeous ones in my blog. I should have put some blank posts in between to separate them more!


  1. Thanks so much for the link Victor. Enchanted was so great! Really really good stuff. :O)

  2. Anonymous12:55 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous12:57 PM

    2D Animation still rocks!!! So nice and appealing stuff...wonderful!!
    I'd LOVE to see the rough pencil-tests.
    Anyways Victor, thanks for the link and don't be embarrassed by your thumbnail drawings, man. I like 'em quite a lot. Keep it up. I'll be back for sure.


  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    im glad to see 2d is on the up swing again. Is it true that pixar will be doing full length 2d features?

  5. Oh, i've watched it four time already. I love the freedom 2D animation has. I think you draw super cool Victor. If you want to, check my sketchbooks in my AM workspace. It will cheer you up. :D BTW, thank you for your blog. I'm here very often.
    -Michal Mach

  6. Mr. H, I haven't heard anything about a Pixar 2D movie.

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    hmmm my brain might just be melting.
    oh well wishful thinking then.

  8. Enchanted was great! The live action, as well as the animation, was well done as well.
    I recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

  9. ah i love that. such great animation. the character animation is perfect and just from the drawings you get an idea of the personality of the characters.

    i love your drawings victor! i often look at them for inspiration because you get so much action into such few lines, its amazing :D.

    loving this blog btw. cheers

