Thursday, January 21, 2010

"Help the Hodges" auction has begun

Follow this link to see all the auction items available.  More info about the cause in my previous post.  New lots are added every 7 minutes until all the items are up for auction.  Ladies and Gentlemen, start your bidding!

Friday, January 15, 2010

A letter from John K.

I was a big fan of Ren & Stimpy back in the early 90's, way before I ever considered a career in animation (heck, I was doing racy paintings in France at the time, but that's another story!).  I've always admired John Kricfalusi's design sense and the energy and audacity in his work.  I may not like everything he does, or agree with everything he has to say about the medium of animation, but I respect his work and the impact it's had on our industry.  I'm even more impressed with him after reading this letter that he sent in response to an animation hopeful back in 1998.  It's a good read with some good advice for burgeoning artists, and it's great that he took the time to respond in such detail.  I can barely respond to all the blog comments and emails I get with more than a few sentences...