Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oscar Showcase at has posted summaries and clips from all the Oscar-nominated features and shorts for 2007. You can see a clip from Pixar's "Lifted", directed by Gary Rydstrom, here.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Animation of Romain Segaud

One of my favorite French animators, Romain Segaud, has a new (to me) web site featuring a variety of his personal and commercial work. My favorites are the short film "TimTom" and the music video "Bip Bip". Allez voir!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

New interview with me on

At least somebody's web site is getting some new content from me. I did this interview last year but only found the link just now. Thanks to Daryn Fitz for caring!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Congratulations to Graduates!

In an emotional and historical ceremony, the first two classes of students celebrated their graduation from the 18-month program today. I was able to attend, along with some other fellow mentors, and it was great to finally get to meet a lot of my students face-to-face. The event took place in San Francisco at the Fort Mason Center near Fisherman's Wharf and I was surprised to see that so many students had traveled from all over the country (and even the world) to attend. Congratulations to all the graduates, and best of luck in your careers! You can see a highlight reel of their outstanding work here.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The art of Mathias Verhasselt

This guy's conceptual designs and color renderings are awesome. Reminds me of how much I need to work on my own stuff. I wish I understood color as much as he does. Sigh. Anyway, all his images are on one page so it takes a while to load (it's worth it). Someone needs to introduce him to thumbnail galleries!

This blog has been a little light on content lately, thanks to holidays, illnesses, life etc. I'm working on another tutorial now and I hope to have it finished up some time this month. Keep checking back!

Al Hirschfeld in action

Thanks to Noah for this one. Here's a small glimpse into the process of a master draftsman and designer. I hope my hand is that steady when I'm 99!